Vote No on Question 2 - Devotion Debt Exclusion
The Train has NOT left the Station
until you buy the ticket
The Train has NOT left the Station
until you buy the ticket
While Devotion could use a renovation, this is not the time to renovate classrooms.
This is the time to add classrooms to Brookline.
This is the time to add classrooms to Brookline.
In the May 2015 Town Election in Brookline, Question 2 asks you to let the Town borrow funds to replace and expand the Devotion School. Please consider the Devotion Plan, the State of Classroom Space in Brookline, and the Actual Needs of Capital Spending, and read the FAQ.
The Devotion PlanThrough a lack of leadership, the resulting plan for Devotion has little to recommend it and much to be very concerned about. The result for Devotion and Brookline would be:
State of Classroom Space in BrooklineTo understand the magnitude of the failure of how the enrollment growth has been handled, consider the following situation:
Where Capital Is Needed
The Town needs classrooms for kids. If we don't build classrooms:
- Old Lincoln School (OLS) will stay in use forever as a school because it has 20+ classrooms.
- Classroom sizes may go up beyond 25 kids per classroom.
- We won't have space to preserve non-resident programs like METCO and Materials Fees.
Brookline High School
New K-8 Elementary School